Good Friday is an interesting description to give to this day of particular remembrance of the crucifixion.Let us remember what happened. A truly innocent man suffered a cruel death. Not the first and not the last time this would happen. Yet this punishment to death was just.
Let us never forget that Jesus suffered for sin. Let us never forget what sin is, and what the righteous punishment of it is. Let us never forget it was our sins that Jesus suffered for, as they were laid upon him.
The events of this day show the seriousness of offending God. On this day he forsook his only begotten Son, so that we might never be forsaken.
A good day - Jesus did all that was necessary for our salvation, leaving nothing for us to do. A good day - the righteousness of God completely satisfied, that we might have fellowship with him. A Good day and this is the message we should proclaim - seeking to know nothing among else, but Jesus Christ and him crucified.
The ultimate fulfillment of the Abraham's prophecy "God,himself, shall provide a lamb for the sacrifice".
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