The 2010 election is now just days away and I thought I would make a few observations.
The first Observation - What ever happens on May 6th/7th - the fundamentals don't change.
First Revelation 19 - "the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth"
Second Job 5:7 "man is born unto trouble - as the sparks fly upwards"
Third 1 Timothy 1:15 "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"
Fourth Acts 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved"
Fifth John 14:13 "I will come again and receive you to myself"
While we have a right concern, we need to bare in mind things are more important and certain than who wins.
For in him we live, and move, and have our being - Acts 17.
In every aspect of our lives we must live as good witnesses before the world in dependence upon God
Friday, 30 April 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Providence Bible study - Suffering
Last Sunday afternoon we had our 3rd study on Providence. In this study I wanted to look at Gods purpose and providing in suffering. Suffering, disasters, wars etc are often citied as reason to be atheist. I tried to show that these are all in Gods purposes.After looking at the subject generally, we went on more specifically to look at the man born blind in John 9 and the death and resurrection of Lazarus in John 11. The man was born blind so that the works of God night be manifest in Him, and Lazarus to glorify the Son. What lives of purpose.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Occupy -till I come
This Sunday saw a trip to the delightful Shropshire hills, and an opportunity to preach at a small baptist church. In the afternoon I took the text from Luke 19 "Occupy till I come". I set out the context of the parable of the "Ten pounds and Ten servants". It comes just after the conversion of Zacchaeus and during Jesus continuing journey to Jerusalem, which his followers assumed was to set up his Kingdom in Jerusalem. In trying to prepare them for his going away he told this parable which foreshadowed the great commission.
The background to this instruction to be engaged in our Christian occupation is 1. The resources given to believers as set out by the ten pounds, 2. The citizens of that country hated the Lord and did not want him to rule over them. and 3. The Lord will return.
The servants were called to account, and so will all his servants be.
The background to this instruction to be engaged in our Christian occupation is 1. The resources given to believers as set out by the ten pounds, 2. The citizens of that country hated the Lord and did not want him to rule over them. and 3. The Lord will return.
The servants were called to account, and so will all his servants be.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
The empty tomb so full of assurance
He is not here he is risen. Words spoken as the bewildered women looked on, and the space, with just the neatly folded grave clothes. At the time they did not know what to make of it.
Yet here the empty tomb shows us that Jesus is risen indeed, and that because his tomb is empty, so shall the graves of all of his people be on the last great glorious day. There is no if or maybe, but divine certainty from the one who said I am the resurrection. Death swallowed up in victory.
Yet here the empty tomb shows us that Jesus is risen indeed, and that because his tomb is empty, so shall the graves of all of his people be on the last great glorious day. There is no if or maybe, but divine certainty from the one who said I am the resurrection. Death swallowed up in victory.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
A Sabbath of Rest
Jesus having finished the work of redemption, rested on the Sabbath day. How very like on the first Sabbath, where God saw that all he had done was very good and rested on the 7th Day.
The cry of "it is finished" from the cross showed he had paid the price, and now in satisfaction he rests.There he rests in the tomb awaiting the new week, when he would rise victorious and reveal himself to his disciples, before ascending again to his father where he is today representing his people. He will come again, when we shall enter with Jesus, into that Sabbath of Rest that remains to the people of God.How glorious.
The cry of "it is finished" from the cross showed he had paid the price, and now in satisfaction he rests.There he rests in the tomb awaiting the new week, when he would rise victorious and reveal himself to his disciples, before ascending again to his father where he is today representing his people. He will come again, when we shall enter with Jesus, into that Sabbath of Rest that remains to the people of God.How glorious.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Good Friday

Good Friday is an interesting description to give to this day of particular remembrance of the crucifixion.Let us remember what happened. A truly innocent man suffered a cruel death. Not the first and not the last time this would happen. Yet this punishment to death was just.
Let us never forget that Jesus suffered for sin. Let us never forget what sin is, and what the righteous punishment of it is. Let us never forget it was our sins that Jesus suffered for, as they were laid upon him.
The events of this day show the seriousness of offending God. On this day he forsook his only begotten Son, so that we might never be forsaken.
A good day - Jesus did all that was necessary for our salvation, leaving nothing for us to do. A good day - the righteousness of God completely satisfied, that we might have fellowship with him. A Good day and this is the message we should proclaim - seeking to know nothing among else, but Jesus Christ and him crucified.
The ultimate fulfillment of the Abraham's prophecy "God,himself, shall provide a lamb for the sacrifice".
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