Friday 29 March 2013

Christ Died for our SIns

On this Good Friday, let us remember why Christ died. The suffering on the cross was no grandstanding, or setting an example. It was an event of real purpose of real  consequence. On that day nearly two thousand years ago, a great transaction was made.
Romans 6 tells us the wages of sin is death. Jesus died on our behalf, because of our sins. He received what was rightly due to us, and so paid the price of our sins, which was owed to God.
So it was for sin. Look and see how awful sin is. Observe and consider the consequences of sin, our sins. How can we then ever take sin lightly?
While the day is full of many gruesome details, the pain and the suffering, yet we can praise God for what happened. In death our Lord dealt fully with our greatest problem, reconciling us to God.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Easter Leaflets in the snow!

We spent some time this afternoon posting invitations to our Easter services round one of the local villages. In the bitter cold the snow continued to fall and I felt it would have been more appropriate to be putting round our carol service invitations.
Each Easter and Christmas we put  post over 1000 invitations to households  to come to our services, together with a simple message of hope. While we normally get some response at Christmas, it has been extremely rare that anybody responds. Nevertheless, I feel it worthwhile to put another message around, prayerfully, acting as a signpost to Christ and salvation
 I just hope that the message will last longer than our footprints. One thing we do know is that Gods Word will last for ever, even after heaven and earth have passed away.
The world needs this message of hope coming out of suffering. It needs to be told that there is more to this life than this life alone.
Isaiah in that wonderful commissioning in chapter 6 is then told he will go to a people who will not hear.Jesus in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, says that They will not listen though one rose form the dead. But we must continue to spread the message we have been given.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

New bishop of Rome - same head of the church

So we have a new Pope, Francis 1. being presented as a new head of the church.
Only problem is there was no vacancy. It was given to Jesus to be head of the church that in all things he might have the preeminence.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and for ever

Saturday 9 March 2013

Testing Times

This evening went to a quiz night in aid of pilgrim homes. A nice time spent with friends, only to find how little we knew. In round four we were fourth. By the end of twelve rounds we were last.