Friday, 15 July 2011

The Dead Tree

I was out this morning sorting a kitchen for this beautiful old farm house that is being restored.
The sum was warm even at 7:30am and the air was crisp and clean. You could hear the sheep in the field across the road bleating , and the birds in full song. Added to that the job seemed to be going well.It was a air of tranquility and peace.
Yet in the midst of this beauty i saw this tree. Completely lifeless it stood out. I wondered what had happened to it and when it would be cut down.
Then I thought how easy it is to be spiritually dead in the middle of the rich blessings of God, how we can lose hope after so many years  of growth in God. How we need the sustaining grace of God. We are dependent upon Him for everything. In Him we live and move and have our very being.

update: On studying for tomorrow I have come across two references to the dry tree.
Ezekiel 17: 24 - I will make the dry tree to flourish.