Saturday, 21 May 2011

Adam and Eve wanted a superinjunction

It seems to me that nothing changes. Men, women , boys and girls sin and want to hid from it and not take responsibility for it.
Adam and Eve sinned, and were ashamed of their sin first making a fig leaf garment and then hiding from God. Of course they never could.
Currently news focuses on various celebrities taking out super injunctions in the courts to hid their sinful antics from general knowledge. Yet it appears that the more they do so, the more comes to light.
The similarities with our first parents is striking.
The attempt to hide is an admission of wrong doing - else what is the problem with people knowing.
Then we must realise that there is nothing that is hid from God. This should both be a comfort to us and a moderator of our behaviour. Comfort because God knows all about our needs and is able to keep us. Moderator because every sin is known to God, and causes Him grief.
All sin has consequences - not just for the sinner but also for those around them.  Sins recorded in the Bible such as Acans lost a battle, and ultimately lead to the destruction of his household.
The only real path is confession and repentance and godly sorrow.
             O thou hideous monster, Sin,
            What a curse hast thou brought in!
            All creation groans through thee,
            Pregnant cause of misery
(Joseph Hart)