Friday, 18 March 2011

Earthquakes in divers places,wars and rumours of wars

This is a good summary of recent news , with the earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan,and the unrest in the middle east. These however were the words of Jesus when his disciples quizzed him about the last times,and when they would be.

We believe that none of these events has taken God by surprise. They show the groaning of creation under the curse, the dreadful effects of sin. They remind us of the impotence of man. God is the one who controls the wind and the waves.

As Christians we have a duty of love towards our fellow man that we should do good to when soever we will (Mark 14:7),and especially to the household of faith. Jesus said that in so doing to the brethren we are doing it to him (Matthew 25 from v 31).

But the question is do these things signal the end time. Jesus said the end is not yet.. first the gospel must be preached to all nations - then shall the end come. - that is what we should be looking for.