Sunday, 28 February 2010

Providence Bible Study No 1

This afternoon I started the first in the series of Bible Studies on Providence. It is quite a large subject, and covering a lot of issues. To help us give definition to the subject, we had a brief look at what confession,s catechisms, and theologians say about providence.
John Flavel says in his book -  The Mystery of Providence.

In nothing does providence shine forth more gloriously in this world than in ordering the occasions, instruments and means of conversion of the people of God… this O this is the most excellent benefit you ever receive from his hand.

It is a mistake to see any divorcing between providence and grace. We looked at Genesis 22 to highlight the central point of Providence as God Himself providing  the Lamb for the sacrifice, foreshaddowing Jesus

I hope it wasn't too heavy for a Sunday afternoon. Next time we hope to have a brief overview of the book of Esther to highlight Gods Hand at work.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Two Years On

Tomorrow is the second birthday of my youngest. Where have those two years gone? What have we done with them? Through them we have know Gods goodness and his mercy to us. We give thanks to Him for all he has done for us and for our beautiful if not a little mischievous daughter.
We do not know what the next two years may bring. But in the words of the hymn "Onward then and fear not children of the King"
We look to Him and in dependence for the future.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Esther - part 1 - God prepares

Preached Sunday Morning on Esther ( the first of two or three sermons). Esther is only one of two books where the Gods name is not mentioned. Yet his finger is clearly seen.
I titled the Sermon - "Now it came to pass..." which are the first words of the book.Probably not the most interesting sermon ever. I tried to set the scene by looking at the four main characters, - the Wicked King, The Beautiful girl, The faithful servant, and the self important Agigite. Then we looked at a few side issues like the the place of feasts and fasts, and respected cival government and what it means to submit to it.
I am looking forward to preaching next time on the exciting chapters 5,6 & 7.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

A well deserved win

It was a pleasure to watch my daughter play this cold morning. After the kick off had been delayed to allow the pitch to thaw out, the first half was disappointing. Losing an early goal within minutes - was just the start of a very ordinary first half which finished 2-2
With the coach changing the formation in the second half, my daughter was placed in centre midfield where she ran her heart out, putting many of the boys to shame. Tackling and chasing, at the same time she was controlled and measured in possession and incisive with her passing.The final score was a 6-2 win. It was a shame she was unable to cap it all with a goal, narrowly shooting wide with her left foot.
Never mind Dad was really proud of you.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

A meal out

For the first time in a while my wife and I went out for a meal at "The Fancott" A nice place just outside Toddington. Food was well cooked and the portions were well measured. The Belgium waffles with cream, ice cream and fudge source were especially tasty.
Not sure it did much for my figure.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Starting out

Blogging is a new experience to me. I have enjoyed reading other peoples offerings for a time now.

I have contemplated adding my ignorance to the blogesphere for a while. I don't really have distinct plans on what to blog about. I expect there will be some political comment, some family items, items highlighting material I have found elsewhere, and christian comment.  I hope you enjoy it. If you want to comment feel free. If I get things wrong, upset or offend it is not willingly -  please remember I am but a fallen man.

So here goes ...