This afternoon I started the first in the series of Bible Studies on Providence. It is quite a large subject, and covering a lot of issues. To help us give definition to the subject, we had a brief look at what confession,s catechisms, and theologians say about providence.
John Flavel says in his book - The Mystery of Providence.
In nothing does providence shine forth more gloriously in this world than in ordering the occasions, instruments and means of conversion of the people of God… this O this is the most excellent benefit you ever receive from his hand.
It is a mistake to see any divorcing between providence and grace. We looked at Genesis 22 to highlight the central point of Providence as God Himself providing the Lamb for the sacrifice, foreshaddowing Jesus
I hope it wasn't too heavy for a Sunday afternoon. Next time we hope to have a brief overview of the book of Esther to highlight Gods Hand at work.